What is the Procedure for Mooring a Boat with a Buoy in the Lake?

Boat owners who would like to moor their boat on the lake with a buoy must contact Dan Meyer about the placement of buoys. All buoys must be of appropriate size and clearly marked in waterproof ink or paint with the owner’s name. The buoy must be approved by Dan and the location of the buoy must be coordinated and approved by him.

Contact: Dan Meyer (970) 215-9535
Important New Boat Rule for Mussels

Zebra and Quagga mussels are “invasive freshwater bivalve (mollusk) species that encrust hard surfaces.” They can clog water intakes and pipes and are a nuisance for boaters and people fishing.

We all need to be extremely careful that we, or our guests, do not do anything that will cause them to be introduced into Terry Lake. Boats, trailers, or anything that is used on the lake but have never left Terry Lake are not of concern.

The necessary precautions, however, should be taken for anything to be used in the lake that is brought form any other body of water. Or anything taken from Terry Lake (boats, tubes, sailboard, etc.) for use elsewhere and then brought back to Terry Lake. This also applies to anything that guests may bring for temporary use on the lake.

Effective July 1, 2016: Any boats new to Terry Lake that have a live well or outboard motor must present a quagga & zebra mussel-free certificate from the state of Colorado when making application to TLRA for a boat sticker.”

State inspection stations for Larimer County are located at Boyd Lake State Park, Carter Reservoir, and Horsetooth Reservoir.

Website for additional inspections sites, instructions, fees and other information:

State Inspections

*For sites not listed or for additional information please contact the CPW program office at 303-291-7295.
Below are two links to a brochure from the Colorado Division of Wildlife, Zap the Zebra, which contains useful information on cleaning, draining, and drying anything to be used in the lake. A third link contains excerpts from another DOW brochure on the appropriate guidelines for watercraft cleaning for anything brought from another body of water to Terry Lake.

Zap the Zebra, Part One
Zap the Zebra, Part Two
Drain, Clean and Dry Guidelines
What about Walking or Exercising Dogs on Larimer and Weld Reservoir Company Property?

The Rules and Regulations specify that:

All dogs in Larimer County must be kept under restraint. This means that if a dog is not on a leash, it must be within hearing distance of the owner and must immediately obey the owner’s command to come to the owner when called, regardless of the presence of other animals or people. If your dog has notbeen sccessfully trained to do so, it must be on a leash at all times for the safety of active members, lakefront property owners and their pets and children.”

Only Active members of TLRA may bring their dogs on the property leased from LWRC – this means anywhere on the lake side of the fence surrounding the lake.

Why Does the Water Level in the lake Vary So Much?

Water levels in Terry Lake are controlled by the Larimer Weld Reservoir Company. The primary function of the water in Terry lake is to provide water to the company’s water share holders, primarily for agricultural use in the Eaton area. The water level will drop during the summer for crop irrigation. When there is a dry summer, the lake level will drop significantly. Water levels will generally increase in late fall, and then again in the spring during the spring melt/run off season.

Is a TLRA Membership Transferable?

Membership in the lake is transferable when a property is sold. Payment of a transfer fee is required (see Dues and Fees).