

New By-laws Revised 06-2020

The by-law is the governing document for the Terry Lake Recreation Association. It can be modified or amendment either by a majority vote of members at the Five-Year General Membership Meeting or by the Board of Directors at one of its regular meetings.

Rules & Regulations

The Rules and Regulations were established by the Board of Directors to facilitate the enjoyment and safety of TLRA active members and their guests in their recreational use of Terry Lake and the surrounding greenbelt. These rules and regulations also endeavor to protect private property and to ensure adherence to the terms of the TLRA lease of Terry Lake and the surrounding greenbelt from the Larimer Weld Reservoir Company (LWRC).

Rules & Regulations

Policies & Procedures

The policies and procedures of TLRA are designed for the enforcement of the provisions of the By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations in a fair and equitable manner.

Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
Policy Regarding Unidentifiable Watercraft & Trailers


The two forms listed below may be used to provide (1) boat/trailer registration information or (2)dues payment information, new membership information, tenant contact information, etc.

2022 Boat Registration Form
2022 Dues Payment Form